Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pumpkin Time!!!!!!

Happy Fall everyone!Today was a really fun day.It was pumpkin patch day for Sam's preschool.We went out to a pumpkin patch off Old Auburn road, it was about 40 minutes away.We had a blast going on a hayride,through the corn maze,a haunted barn,petting animals, and picking out pumpkins.Dominic also really enjoyed himself being with all the older kids.He thought he was a pretty cool big boy!I was a little nervous today though, because we took Sam's good friend Dylan with us.His mom had to work so I offered to take him.I was nervous to be looking after 3 kids by myself, but they were great and were no problem!I guess it was my day to be like Jennifer and Hollie.I don't no how you girls do it, I was constantly going "where's Sam""where's Dylan" in my head.One thing though I was thinking about today when I was dropping Dylan off was, wow I am so lucky.I am so lucky that I am fortune enough to stay home with my children and not have to miss any of these little moments in their lives.I know there are lots of woman who would love to stay home too but cant.I am just very grateful for my husband and the sacrifices we have chosen to take in order for me to stay home and be here with our children.I wouldn't want to miss any of this for the world!


Donna said...

What a fun day! Yes, I agree you are lucky to be home, but so is your family. You are in the right place and it is worth whatever sacrifice you have to make. The benefits will far outweigh the sacrifices. You will always be glad you were here when they were little, it goes by too fast. I can tell Dylan has a crush on Sam, huh? And Dominic is so handsome. Look out world when he grows up!See you guys soon. Love ya

Hollie said...

I just love the Fall! It's so nice that you get to enjoy your kids and be a part of their everyday lives. It's funny that you say how hard it is with three kids. I remember feeling that way every time we had a new baby. It was hard when I had one. When Dallin came along, I thought I could never go grocery shopping with BOTH of them. But now I think having only two kids while grocery shopping would be a piece of cake. You just adjust each time. Plus it helps when the kids get older. You trust them a little more than you used to- or maybe I'm so stressed out all of the time that I can't remember what it was like to feel relaxed and I've gotten used to it. :)

Kerrie said...

I too feel so lucky to be a stay at home mom. I worked for 4 months after Allie was born and I just hated it when I missed any "firsts."

Sam's preschool does some fun things. I bet the kids had a blast at the pumpkin patch.

Jennifer said...

How fun! I love the fall activities.
It is so nice to be able to stay home with the kids (sometimes I forget that though). Even now, when I have two in school, I can see how beneficial it is. I am able to volunteer in their classes and get to know the teachers. It really helps. I can tell that my kids have really benefitted from this. Plus, I love having fun with them and knowing what's going on. It's worth it. You're kids are adorable and you and David are doing an awesome job raising them. Also, I agree with Hollie, you somehow adjust to what you have.