Monday, March 9, 2009

Watch out Mickey, Here comes the CRAZY Price Kids!!!

Toes freshly painted, CHECK

Mickey Antenna ball on, CHECK

Car packed and ready to ROLL, CHECK


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies.....

Guess what time it is?It is cookie time!!Anyone like a Thin Mint?

Well this is Sam's first year in Girl Scouts as a Daisy.She LOVES it!Today they had their first site sale.They sold over 250 boxes in 3 hours!As you can see above, David and Dominic showed their support by stopping by and buying a few boxes.Sam also enjoyed dressing up as a Thin Mint cookie.She became quite the sales lady by the end of the day.She started saying "come on over, we got 8 flavors, they are really good".They had several people say "I already bought some but you guys are just so cute I will buy more".We also had several people just make a donation to our troop.One lady gave us $20.00!I was shocked.

Another fun thing we did this month, was surprising the kids with a trip to Disneyland in March.I rang the door bell and they opened the door to find a note with tickets from Mickey and Minnie inviting them to come to Disneyland.They were confused at first but once we told them all about it they were screaming excited.In fact, they took off upstairs and I was like "what are they doing".Well, they were up there packing!It was funny!So, now everyday since Sam has been informing us how many days until we leave.It should be a fun road trip.How many times do you think we will hear "are we there yet"?

Today was also a great day because after selling cookies Samantha and I went to visit my sister.She is doing GREAT!She looked really good.They doctors are amazed how fast she is recovering, she has age on her side!She has been working with a physical therapist everyday to learn how to get in and out of bed the right way.She also walked quite a bit with a walker.It will be long and sore road but she is just grateful to be here!Thanks again for all your love,prayers, and happy thoughts!I have such an AWESOME family!

Oh, also I would like thank everyone for my birthday wishes!You all made me smile on days I thought I couldn't.David and the kids also made it special with letting me sleep in and waking up to homemade cards(the best kind),a mocha,beds made,&kids dressed& fed!They bought me presents(even when I said please don't) and took me out to a delicious dinner at Macaroni Grill.Love you all!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Dominic!

Happy 3rd Birthday Buddy!!!! OK,OK, it has been a really long time since I have last blogged.Seven months, yeah I feel really really bad. Believe me I thought about it a lot, but there was always something going on or I was too tired.So, I apologise to everyone who stopped by our page and were disappointed.I know how much I LOVE reading all of your blogs.So, with that said I will try my best to keep our blog more updated.

OK, now on to a happier note, our baby boy is now 3!!! I can not believe it, time has sure gone by fast.It just seemed like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.Thank You to all who sent him Birthday cards, he loved them all.

He has turned into such a good little boy.He does have his moments(don't we all) but for the most part he is a loving,fun,energetic,smart,cute little boy.Well, actually big boy, he just went for his 3 year appointment and he is 37lbs(90Th)&42inches(over the 100Th ).Yes, we grow them big!He has started a pre-school program called toddler time, where he goes 2 times a week for 2 hours.He LOVES it.We were a little nervous at first thinking he would be upset with us leaving but it didn't even phase him.It makes me so proud to see him interact nicely with other children and obey his teacher when I am not around.His teacher says he listens very well(I wish he would do the same at home sometimes).He will be starting soccer and swim lessons this summer so that should be fun!

I just want to say (write) out loud, that I am so PROUD,LUCKY,& BLESSED to be his mother.I couldn't have picked a better son then the one God has given me.He makes my heart smile each day and I know that I am one lucky lady to have him as my son.No matter how old he gets he will always be my "Buddy".OK, the mush is over.

For his birthday,he wanted to go to the zoo and Fairy Tale town.It turned out to be a beautiful day and we followed the day off with dinner at Chili's and cake and ice cream at our house with the Grandparents and my sister Joy.Dominic is really into Peter Pan.Ever since we went to Disneyland he has been watching his DVD and has made us read him his book lots of times!So, for his birthday he received a Peter Pan cake.I made a pirate ship and then bought the figurines to put on it.He LOVED his cake.He plays with the figurines all the time,packs them everywhere, in the tub,in bed,in the car,etc.You know, sometimes when I am making them their cakes for their birthdays(it has become a tradition around here)I think it would be so much easier and less stress to just buy one but when I see their faces it SO WORTH it.Hopefully, I am giving them a memory they will always cherish.

Here are some cute pictures of Dominic that I never got to post over the past months.